Maine Coon Cat: History, Temperament & Health Issues
The Maine Coon At A Glance:
Place Of Origin: United States
Dates Of Origin: 1860's
Average Weight Range: 9-22 lbs.
Temperament Of The Maine Coon: Gentle Giant.
Breed Colors Of The Maine Coon: A wide variety of colors and color combinations is acceptable.
One of the top 10 most popular cat breeds.

Strong and tranquil, the Maine Coon looks its best in winter, when its heavy coat is at its most luxorious. A quirk that sets this breed apart is the frequent happy chirping trill it uses to greet its human or feline family. The Maine Coon enjoys the company of people, but is not a dependant or lap cat.
History Of The Maine Coon:
Probable ancestors include British cats that came with early settlers and longhaired Russian or Scandinavian cats on ships in Maine's ports. The black and white Captain Jenks of the Horse Marines was the first Maine, noted at shows in 1861. Despite losing favor to the Persian in the early 1900's, the Maine Coon survived as a breed because farmers recognized its excellent hunting ability. Interest was rekindled in the 1950's, and is still one of the most popular cat breeds available.
Common Maine Coon Health Issues:
Hip Dysplasia
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