Mother's Milk Replacers For Cats:
NAME: KMR Milk Replacer
KMR Milk Replacer is great for orphan kittens, or kittens that just can't reach their mother. Great for breeders and long-time pet owners. We definitely recommend this scientifically formulated milk substitute. It provides the exact same level of nourishment as mother's milk.

Lowest Price We've Found:  12.5oz $3.45 USD
Reviews: No Reviews Yet
If a kitten's mothers milk is not available, these cat's milk substitutes will provide the same nutritional value.  These nutrients are very important for a kitten's development.
NAME: KMR Powder Pouch
KMR milk replacer is for your kitten who just can't reach their mother. Great for breeders or regular pet owners. We recommend this milk substitute because it is very similar to a cat's own milk.

Lowest Price We've Found:  3/4 oz $1.49 USD
Reviews: No Reviews Yet
KMR Milk Replacer
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KMR Powder Pouch
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