Distichiasis (Extra Eyelashes) And Trichiasis In Dogs:
Signs Of Extra Eyelashes In Dogs:
Short and stubby extra lashes are very painful. You dog may have red, watery eyes and may wink or squint. Some extra lashes grow inside the eyelid and are only seen when the lid is rolled back and examined with magnification.
Dog Breeds Affected By Extra Eyelashes:
At least 24 dog breeds can be affected, including the Cocker Spaniel, Boxer, English Bulldog, Pekingese, Poodle, Shetland Sheepdog, Shih Tzu and Weimaraner.
Treatment Of Your Dog's Distichiasis:
The treatment for extra eyelashes is similar to that for most types of superfluous hair. Plucking out the hair may offer temporary refief but the lashes usually grow back.
The most successful treatment is done under general anesthetic, preferably using a surgical microscope. Sometimes, new hairs grow from adjacent (non-operated) sites on the eyelid and follow-up treatments are required.

Extra Eyelashes (Distichiasis): In some dog breeds, there can be an extra row of eyelashes. This extra row may rub onto the cornea and cause problems ranging from mild irritation to severe corneal ulcers.
Extra eyelashes can be extremely hard to see without magnification as many are much smaller than the normal eyelashes. Extra lashes usually first cause problems at 4-5 months of age but this may occur at any age. Some dogs have only a few extra lashes, others have dozens. Longer extra lashes are softer and cause less irritation.
Above: A typical case of distichiasis (extra eyelashes) in dogs.
Another term for ingrown eyelashes, caused by injury, inflammation, and/or infection of the eye. Hair on the eyelid grows in the wrong direction and rubs on the eye, causing irritation. If detected, the eyelashes can be removed with lasers, electrology, or surgery.
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