Treatment And Prevention Of Hepatitis In Dogs
Hepatitis can be prevented by vaccination. The vaccine may be given at the same time as the anti-distemper vaccine. Infected dogs can be treated with antibiotics, and possible blood transfusions. The prognosis for the dog depends on how advanced the disease is at the time of treatment. A point to remember is that the virus causing hepatitis in the dog is not transmissable to man. Viral hepatitis of people is caused by a completely different virus.
For more information, contact your veterinarian.

Hepatitis is a highly contagious virus infection that primarily affects the liver tissue. Dogs of middle age are usually not seriously affected but puppies and aged dogs often die from this viris infection. Dogs usually contract hepatitis by contact with sick dogs, or with an infected dog's urine, feces, or saliva. In the initial stage the symptoms such as sudden rise and fall in temperature, impairment of appetite and depression are almost identical with those of distemper. There may even be a serious discharge from the eyes and nose. There may be some pain to pressure over the abdomen and vomition. Uncontrolled bleeding or skin bruises are other signs of hepatitis in dogs.
Hepatitis In Dogs: Symptoms And Treatments
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