Grooming Your Cat: Cleaning Your Cat's Teeth
You may also find this page useful: Gum Disease In Cats
Don't Forget Your Cat's Teeth! The teeth of adult cats often develop stains and dental calculus (aka tartar) - the deposits located on the teeth at the gumline. If the tartar is allowed to accumulate it will cause bacteria to form under the gum, and this will lead to pyorrhea (accumulation of pus along the root of the tooth) and eventual tooth loss.
Mouth odor is a sure sign of decay, infection, or a dietary problem, so any time your cat has bad breath, have your veterinarian check it out. Tarter accumulation is due to food accumulation and lack of surface action on the teeth when the cat eats. If the accumulation of tartar seems to be excessive, the cat's diet should be discussed with your vet. Never give a cat bones because you think they'll clean your cat's teeth. The bones may splinter and injure the cat.
If you have children, you probably figure you have enough trouble getting the kids to brush their teeth without having to worry about the cat, too. Regular tooth brushing, however, will do wonders to help keep your cat's mouth healthy. Not all cats will allow you to clean their teeth, but if you have an accommodating cat, try to clean his teeth once a week. You can either use a child's toothbrush or cotton ball dipped in warm water. Rub the teeth and gums vigorously, especially the side premolars and molars.

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